Note :

Note :

Sunday, August 30, 2020


Kali Linux has been the most advanced penetration testing machine introduced yet. It has the most valuable tools used for every sort of hacking. To take advantage of Kali Linux hacking tools, you have to switch your OS to Kali Linux. You can either install Kali Linux as your default OS or just install as a virtual machine within the same OS. You can learn more about how to install Kali Linux Virtualbox. Today in this tutorial, I am just going to share a very simple Kali Linux tutorial on how to capture screenshot in Kali Linux. It's very simple and newbie friendly.


There are two ways to capture a screenshot in Kali Linux. One is the ultimate easy one and the second one is a bit complex but it's also not so complicated. So, don't worry about anything.


  • In a first way, you can take a screenshot in a similar way as you take in Windows OS by simply clicking the PrntScr button on the keyboard. As you hit that button, a screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder of your Kali Linux. The major problem with it, it only captures the full screen. We have no control over it to capture a specific window or region.
  • The second way is to take a screenshot using the command. For that, open up a terminal in the Kali Linux and type apt-get install ImageMagick.
  • Once the command is completed and ImageMagick is installed. We have two options to take a screenshot with it. One is to capture full screen and second is to capture a specific window.
  • To capture full screen, type import -window root Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal. It will take a full screenshot and will save it to the Pictures directory by the name you specify. Make sure to type .png  at the end of the file name.
  • To take a screenshot of a specific window or region, type import Pictures/AnyNameOfTheImage.png in the terminal and hit Enter, it will turn the cursor to a selection tool. You just click the mouse button and select the area you want to capture. As you will leave the mouse key, screenshot will be saved in the Pictures folder.
That's all how you can capture screenshot in Kali Linux. This is a very simple and beginner-friendly Kali Linux tutorial to help out all the newbies how they can use this features in need. Hope it will be useful for you.

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Hack-Tools - The All-In-One Red Team Extension For Web Pentester

The all-in-one Red Team browser extension for Web Pentesters
HackTools, is a web extension facilitating your web application penetration tests, it includes cheat sheets as well as all the tools used during a test such as XSS payloads, Reverse shells and much more.
With the extension you no longer need to search for payloads in different websites or in your local storage space, most of the tools are accessible in one click. HackTools is accessible either in pop up mode or in a whole tab in the Devtools part of the browser with F12.

Current functions:
  • Dynamic Reverse Shell generator (PHP, Bash, Ruby, Python, Perl, Netcat)
  • Shell Spawning (TTY Shell Spawning)
  • XSS Payloads
  • Basic SQLi payloads
  • Local file inclusion payloads (LFI)
  • Base64 Encoder / Decoder
  • Hash Generator (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512)
  • Useful Linux commands (Port Forwarding, SUID)


Install the application

Chromium based browser
All the available releases are here..
Otherwise, if you want to build the project yourself from the source code

Mozilla Firefox
You can download HackTools on the Firefox browser add-ons here.

Build from source code
yarn install && yarn build
Once the build is done correctly, webpack will create a new folder called dist
After that you need to go to the extension tab on your chrome based navigator and turn on the

developer mode

Then click on the load unpacked button in the top left corner

Once you clicked on the button you just need to select the dist folder and that's it !


via KitPloit

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Phishing is the way to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details or any other confidential information, often for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Phishing is typically carried out by several ways like email spoofing or instant messaging, and it often directs users to enter personal information at a fake website, the look and feel of which are almost identical to the legitimate one. In this tutorial, I will be showing how to hack a facebook account through phishing.


There are few techniques by which you can hack a facebook account but here the easiest way we'll discuss.


  1. Phisher Creator ( Fake page generator)
  2. Hosting ( To host a fake page). Either you can purchase one or also can use free hosting like But in free hosting, the account will be suspended after a few logins.


  1. Download phisher creator and run it.
  2. As you run it, you'll see a screen like the shown below. Here you can type the fields as I have done. 
  3. Once you hit the Create Phisher button, it'll create a fake facebook index page and fb_login.php file in the output folder.
  4. Now you need to upload these both files index.html and fb_login.php to the hosting account.
  5. After uploading the file, open the index.html file path. It will open up a page like same facebook page as you can see below.
  6. We're all done, now we just need to copy the URL of our fake page and distribute it to the victims, you just have to trick them with your social engineering that how you convenience them to open this URL to login facebook. Once someone tries to login through your fake facebook page URL, you'll get their account username and password in the log_file.txt in the same directory of hosting where you have uploaded index.php and fb_login.php.
Hope it'll work fine for you and you have learned how to hack a facebook account. If you find any question or query related to this, feel free to comment below or you can also follow another way that might work well for you to hack facebook account.

More info

Saturday, August 29, 2020

TorghostNG: Make All Your Internet Traffic Anonymized With Tor Network

About TorghostNG
   TorghostNG is a tool that make all your internet traffic anonymized with Tor network. TorghostNG is rewritten from TorGhost with Python 3.

   TorghostNG was tested on:
  • Kali Linux 2020a
  • Manjaro
  • ...

What's new in TorghostNG 1.2

Before you use TorghostNG
  • For the goodness of Tor network, BitTorrent traffic will be blocked by iptables. Although you can bypass it with some tweaks with your torrent client 😥 It's difficult to completely block all torrent traffic.
  • For security reason, TorghostNG is gonna disable IPv6 to prevent IPv6 leaks (it happened to me lmao).

Screenshots of Torghost (Version 1.0)
   Connecting to Tor exitnode in a specific country: torghostng -id COUNTRY ID

   Changing MAC address: torghostng -m INTERFACE

   Checking IP address: torghostng -c

   Disconnecting from Tor: torghostng -x

   Uninstalling TorghostNG: python3

Installing TorghostNG
   TorghostNG installer currently supports:
  • GNU/Linux distros that based on Arch Linux
  • GNU/Linux distros that based on Debian/Ubuntu
  • GNU/Linux distros that based on Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, openSUSE
  • Solus OS
  • Void Linux
  • Anh the elder guy: Slackware
  • (Too much package managers for one day :v)

   To install TorghostNG, open your Terminal and enter these commands:
   But with Slackware, you use sudo python3 to run TorghostNG :v

    You can combine multiple choices at the same time, such as:
  • torghostng -s -m INTERFACE: Changing MAC address before connecting
  • torghostng -c -m INTERFACE: Checking IP address and changing MAC address
  • torghostng -s -x: Connecting to Tor anh then stop :v
  • ...
   If you have any questions, you can watch this tutorial videos 🙂
   I hope you will love it 😃

How to update TorghostNG
   Open Terminal and type sudo torghostng -u with sudo to update TorghostNG, but it will download new TorghostNG to /root, because you're running it as root. If you don't like that, you can type git pull -f and sudo python3

Notes before you use Tor
   Tor can't help you completely anonymous, just almost:
   It's recommended that you should use NoScript before before surfing the web with Tor. NoScript shall block JavaScript/Java/Flash scripts on websites to make sure they won't reveal your real identify.

And please
  • Don't spam or perform DoS attacks with Tor. It's not effective, you will only make Tor get hated and waste Tor's money.
  • Don't torrent over Tor. If you want to keep anonymous while torrenting, use a no-logs VPN please.
   Bittorrent over Tor isn't a good idea
   Not anonymous: attack reveals BitTorrent users on Tor network

Changes log
   Version 1.2
  • Fixed update_commands and others in
  • Changed a few things in
  • Changed a few things in
  • Now you can change Tor circuit with -r
   Version 1.1
  • Check your IPv6
  • Change all "TOR" to "Tor"
  • Block BitTorrent traffic
  • Auto disable IPv6 before connecting to Tor

Contact to the coder

To-do lists:
  • Block torrent, for you - Tor network (Done 😃)
  • Connect to IPv6 relays (maybe?)
  • GUI version
  • Fix bug, improve TorghostNG (always)

And finally: You can help me by telling me if you find any bugs or issues. Thank you for using my tool 😊

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